Knecht Media
Knecht sounds like connect, and that’s what I do.
It’s my knack, it’s my calling, and it’s my mission to CONNECT people and projects.
con·nect·or — a thing or person which links two or more things together
I can’t help being involved if it’s connected to agriculture.
Promoting and protecting noble pursuit of growing and raising food and fiber fuels my soul. Not enough people appreciate the stewards of the land and I’m bound and determined to connect the dots to where food comes from.
I got my start growing up on the ranch my great, great grandparents homesteaded in northwest mountains of Colorado. Just outside of Granby, I learned some of my most valuable life lessons on the backs of horses, in the dusty barn, and along the Eight Mile Creek.
After pursuing and achieving a Agricultural Communications degree from the University of Wyoming, I continued the migration north and landed in Billings, Montana. There I cut my teeth in event planning, organization communications, and community involvement. It’s also the place that brings up the most nostalgia for me because it’s where I met my darling TJ.
My husband farms, and I am the self-named farm intern—I’m uber eager to help, but most of the time, I’m in the way. (I am learning and have great potential!) LoPresti Farms sits just east of Pueblo and grows corn, beans, chiles, watermelon, radish, cabbage, and pumpkins. My day job is in the marketing department for Boroux water filters.
Building connections, wether its people or ideas comes naturally and building on that strength I enjoy making introductions, bringing in new concepts, and making the path more direct. I do this through service roles, persuasive messaging, and advocacy implementation.
Committee and Boards
District 5 Representative, Colorado Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers
Advisor, Pueblo County High School Ag Committee
Advisor, Pueblo County Extension Ag Advisory Committee
Ex-officio member, Pueblo Chile Growers Association
Parish Council, St. Therese Catholic Church
Member, Colorado Farm Bureau
Member, Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association
Member, Club 20